Do you have something to say?

Hey there everyone Andy Randazzo here from HitState and welcome to your marketing minute.
Do you have something to say about your business industry or to your customers?
Well then say it already.
We tell people all the time that you should be posting everyday and more.
You should be emailing, blogging and creating videos every week and sending this information out to wherever your customers are.
Because your customers really want to hear from you and your expertise. They do!
You have a lot to say, so say it!
That’s our minute for now.
See you next time.

If you want to know more or see how we can help, schedule some time with us below.

What is your marketing process

Hey there everyone Andy Randazzo here from HitState and welcome to your marketing minute.
Do you have a marketing process in place?
If not I can’t tell you how important it is.
You can’t just throw stuff at the wall and see if it sticks, you need a process.
Ok so here is a good example of a simple process for let’s say our Marketing Minute videos:
  1. Find the topics we want to talk to our audience about
  2. Write out the topics in detail
  3. Record, edit & export the videos
  4. Upload the videos to YouTube, add the copy to YouTube
  5. Create the blog page with a link to YouTube & screenshot of video
  6. Add the blog link to YouTube
  7. Create and schedule an email & social media posts to go out at the same time.
  8. Every Monday manually add in the video on Linkedin Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
  9. On LinkedIn message the post to select members.
That’s our process. What’s yours?
That’s our minute for now.
See you next time.

If you want to know more or see how we can help, schedule some time with us below.

What is Inbound and Outbound Marketing?

Hey there everyone Andy Randazzo here from HitState and welcome to your marketing minute.
So what does inbound and outbound marketing mean?
Simply put inbound are customers that come in to your business and outbound is what you send out to get customers.
Outbound marketing is a more traditional form of marketing and interrupts your audience with content they don’t always want. It is messaging and promotions that you push out to potential customers through advertising, TV, radio, cold calling, email blasts to purchased lists and more.
Now inbound marketing on the other hand means anything that is moving inwards or is incoming from another direction. So any potential customers that are coming from somewhere to your website, social media profiles, into your retail location and more. It is what attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them. That’s inbound marketing.
Inbound marketing is more valuable because it is information and content that your customers are searching for rather than outbound which is information that they are just being shown.
Another reason why inbound marketing is more valuable than outbound marketing and this is really important and it is because you own the inbound marketing content and the outbound marketing you are just renting time.
That’s our minute for now.
See you next time.

If you want to know more or see how we can help, schedule some time with us below.

Brand Colors

Hey there everyone Andy Randazzo here from HitState and welcome to your marketing minute.
Do you know what your brand colors are?
Ok do you know what they are in CMYK, RGB, HEX, Pantone Coated and Pantone Uncoated?
We recently had this issue with a client where they had their brand colors but then they got t shirts done without using us and they used the wrong colors, didn’t get proofs and didn’t match the pantone colors to the thread color for the embroidery.
Now it wasn’t a total catastrophe because they only had a few done but we had to again let them know always use the colors in their brand style guide and always get proofs of everything printed on paper, t shirts and more.
That’s our minute for now.
See you next time.

If you want to know more or see how we can help, schedule some time with us below.

Virtual events

Have you attended any virtual events and or conferences that were really awesome and any that were really bad?
Please let us know we are always looking for new ideas and things to avoid.
We all know now that virtual and hybrid virtual live events will be the way of things moving forward for some time to come.
But make your event awesome!
How do you make it awesome?
Maybe physically send your guests something that they can engage with you live at your event.
Or have performances, giveaways, special guests and a way where people can engage with one another on social media so much more.
Sound familiar, yeah it sounds like a live in person event. So try to envision your virtual event as engaging as your live in person event.
That’s our minute for now.
See you next time.

If you want to know more or see how we can help, schedule some time with us below.

Your Brand Identity

Let’s talk about your brand identity.
Your brand identity is the visual representation of your brand.

Example: Close your eyes for a minute, no really close your eyes… now picture what Coca-Cola looks like and what do you see?

Well first you see Red
Then you see the Coca-Cola wave
Then maybe the polar bears or Santa

That is Coca-Cola’s brand identity. They put that on everything? Why?

And why do you need a good brand identity? Well so that when anyone sees the color red, that wave, polar bears and even Santa Claus they think Coca-Cola. How awesome is that?

So make sure you take your brand identity, the colors and other brand elements and put it on everything.

That’s our minute for now.
See you next time.

If you want to know more or see how we can help, schedule some time with us below.

About Us Video

At HitState we have been creating a lot of “About Us” videos for clients.
But what is an “About Us” Video?
Well simply put it is a video about you and your company, your brand, your personality and why you do what you do.
But why do you need an about us video?
Well did you know that the ‘About Us’ page on a website is the second most popular page on a website after the home page?
Why is that? Well because people want to visually see you and your personality, especially now that we haven’t seen much of one another lately.
For marketing and branding purposes it invites the audience in for a story and an emotional connection and establishes a trusting relationship between you and your brand.
Because nobody likes buying goods and services from total strangers.
And you can put it everywhere. Put it on your website, social media and even in your signature in your emails and more.
And if you forget what you want to say don’t worry we have a teleprompter for that 🙂
So reach out to us and schedule your About Us video.
That’s our minute for now.
See you next time.

If you want to know more or see how we can help, schedule some time with us below.

Your Elevator Pitch

Do you have an elevator pitch and what is an elevator pitch?
Well an elevator pitch or speech is a short description of an idea, product, or company that explains the concept in a way such that any listener can understand it in a short period of time.
Here is mine as an example:
“Hi my name is Andy Randazzo, my company is HitState. We are a marketing agency that solves the problems that businesses face with finding the right marketing to grow their business.”
Now that’s the really short 10 second version.
I also have a little longer one that goes into a little more detail depending on how long the elevator ride is and it goes on as follows:
“Many business owners struggle with:
  • How and where to get started with marketing.
  • What their message should be.
  • And wasted time and money on failed do it yourself marketing.
Businesses with these struggles all seem to fail at:
  • Generating new leads.
  • Closing sales.
  • Keeping up with their competitors.
If this is you or a business that you know that struggles with these issues and more, we can help.”
That’s it. What do you think?
Now make sure you practice it over and over till you have it down pat.
What is your elevator pitch? I would really like to hear it. Please add it to the comments below.
And if you don’t have one we can help.
That’s our minute for now. See you next time.

If you want to know more or see how we can help, schedule some time with us below.